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来源:WWW.VANDA123.COM   发表时间:2014-06-14   作者:全球酒店用品专家万达商城   T | T




    2000年,为了突现其全球形象,弓箭国际成为VERRERIE CRISTALLERIE D'ARQUES 公司一个成立于1825年的家族餐桌用品公司才品牌标志。




In the year 2000, to demonstrate its global vision, ARC International became the brand identity of Verrerie Cristallerie d'Arques, a family-owned company specialising in Table Arts since 1825.

On its 250-hectare site in northern France, ARC International  manufactures some six million items each day, making it the world's leading producer of Tabletop products, 85% of which is exported to over 160 countries. In order to maintain and enhance its number one global positon, and to improve service worldwide at a local level, ARC International has setup production plants in Spain, the USA, and more recently, China and United Arab Emirates. This is a cornerstone of the company's strategy and is designed to proactively increase their involvement with key markets, untimately bringing them closer to the distributor and end user. To further realise this strategy ARC International has also acquired distribution outlets in many countries,and initiated further commercial offices around the world.

Each year ARC International launches over 800 new prodcts and achieves an overall turnover of €13 billion. With the introduction of new materials, such as ceramics and stainless steel, the company is able to offer a complete range of tabletop products.


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