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来源:WWW.VANDA123.COM   发表时间:2014-06-14   作者:全球酒店用品专家万达商城   T | T




50 years of distinguished performance. Half a century is a long time.The footprints left behind are remarkable.With people,it is a few gray hairs and some wrinkles.With every day objects,it is a lot worse:most of the time they are unusable, and at best,they evoke some nostalgia.
This is very different with the mono-a flatware designed in 1958 and introduced to 
the market in 1959. We are not the only ones to believe that it remains as fresh looking as if it had been introduced to the marketplace yesterday.Experts around the world praise its good form as a benchmark for a new era in design.


Many young people only now discover mono-a, and are astounded to learn its age.
This is why we chose this mid-century mark to say it clearly and beyond misunder
-standing:mono is not new. It will never look old, not even in 100 years.


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