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来源:WWW.VANDA123.COM   发表时间:2014-06-14   作者:全球酒店用品专家万达商城   T | T




The Stelton-brand is characterized by its rigid design languages, based on the success with Cylinda-Line designed by Arne Jacobsen. Today, Stelton offers five different design-lines, classic (including the Cylinda-Line), explore, i:cons, 21st and norstaal.

Its brand and products stand for: surprising, innovative, functional, hign-quality Scandinavian design - it is the brand that tickles the design-gene. Stelton receives an outstanding number of design-awards each year for its innovative products. 

The brand itself was awarded " Denmark's Coolest Brand 2005" and "Business to Consumer Superbrand 2006 & 2008 ". Furthermore, Stelton's all time classic, Erik Magnuessen's vacuum jug, is the only product in Danish history that has received the country's most important award, the Danish Design Prize, twice - in 1977 and in 2007.


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