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来源:WWW.酒店用品专家.COM   发表时间:2014-07-25   作者:万达商城   T | T


Design, quality and functionality are the determining criteria for WMF product development. And yet again, WMF received recognition with the 2014 Red Dot Award – not just once, but twice: first for the "Big Lounge" dish and second for the cutlery from the WMF Michalsky Tableware collection.

设计、品质和功能性一直是WMF产品创新和新产品开发的既定标准,每款WMF产品都形成了一个完整的理念:外表必须美观,功能必须可靠,必须为使用者带来极大的好处。2014年,WMF两次受到专家评委的认可,斩获两项红点设计大奖!赢得大奖的产品分别为“Big Lounge”果盘和WMF Michalsky餐具系列中的刀叉

Red Dot, a design competition hosted by Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, has been a globally recognised quality seal for outstanding design since 1955. Qualified experts select solutions that exhibit exceptional design with regard to product design, communication designand design concepts.

红点设计大奖(Red Dot Design Award)是由德国著名设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen创立,自1955年,已有超过50年的历史,至今已成为国际知名的创意设计奖项。通过对产品设计(productdesign),传达设计(communication design)以及设计概念(design concept)的竞赛,专家评委最终选出获奖作品。红点设计大奖是世界上知名设计竞赛中最大最有影响的一个竞赛,素有设计界的“奥斯卡”之称。


The cutlery from the new WMF Michalsky Tableware lifestyle collection brings high fashion to every table and is perfect for both opulent and lavish occasions. As far as the design is concerned, fashion designer Michael Michalsky took the existing WMF creations as his basis and re-interpreted them. As a result, the ergonomic shape rests comfortably in the hand when in use.

WMF Michalsky餐具系列中的刀叉为每一个餐桌带来高度时尚感,非常适合奢华场所。设计师Michael MichalskyWMF已有作品风格为基准,对其进行再创作,最终这款具备极端舒适握感的作品诞生!

A glance at the "Big Lounge" dish reveals the perfect interplay of geometric shapes and contrasts. The smooth body, which is reminiscent of a pillow, is intersected with a hard network of polygons.

Big Lounge”果盘则展现了几何图形的完美融合和强烈反差,如头枕一样极具曲线美的盘身是由坚硬的网状多边形切割而成。


WMF 1咖啡包机。独特的形状和集成一体的咖啡杯给人无限惊喜,属于你的咖啡时光永远是最特别的!

Grand Gourmet刀具。将精巧的设计和较高的功能性结合在一起。刀片用特殊的优质刀片钢锻造而成,刀柄可舒服地握在手上。包装精美,并可选择在刀柄上雕刻个人签名。


WMF Nomos餐具。拥有着奢华的风格、完美的设计、触感和几何平衡感、干净自然的形状和流畅的线条,实在是令人着迷不已。




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